Wish you Learned to Network?

← Back   July 19, 2024 | Categories: Networking   Barriers to networking   Job hunting  

Do you wish you had learned how to network at school?

You’re not alone…

Half of professionals don’t know how to network effectively. Networking is also seldom taught in schools, and graduates are unprepared to network effectively in their job search. Even among those who know how, other barriers, like lack of time and worries about having fallen out of touch, can prevent people from reconnecting.

A recent Gallup Poll found that networking was the skill that the most graduates wished they had more training in, with almost 1/2 wishing they had more training ranking above public speaking and even software skills.

Yet we know networking is vital. 80% of professionals say networking is essential for career success and some sources claim that 70% of professionals get hired at companies where they have at least one connection. Some specialists in the field go further and even say that there is an entire hidden job market based on referrals and that most jobs aren’t even posted.

Luckily, Chasqui simplifies networking and uses AI to help people improve their skills and streamline the process because networking is just that: a skill that can be improved with practice.


By Matthew Green

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